Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Welcome to my tea party!" The Mad
Hatter exclaimed as the March Hare, Alice
and the Cat sat down at the tea table.
They all drank their tea and chatted,
having missed each other from being away
from each other a year.

And then after they finished
their tea, the Mad Hatter got some
candies, sweets and treats and put
out plate after plate of delicious
treats, and they all started eating

Alice gives you a plate with a
stack of caramels on it. "Here,
eat some, they're good." She
says, smiling.

And then they all finished their
sweets, treats and cakes.
Did you finish yours as well?
The Mad Hatter, looking quite
disturbed, looked across the room.
"Friends, I have something to say.."
The Mad Hatter said.
Everyone listened.

"Friends, I now notice I have lost my
Mad Hat! Please help me find it,
and I will be thankful to you." The Mad
Hatter said.
"We'll help, right, friends?" Alice assured.
Everyone nodded, then started looking for
the Mad Hat.

And they all searched for the Mad Hat,
looking everywhere they thought possible
to lose a hat.

Then Alice spotted the Mad Hat
floating wildly in a gust of wind, and
saw the wind drop it on the ground.
"Friends, there is the Mad Hat!"
Alice cried, pointing to the Hat, as
everyone crowded around it.

"I thank you all for helping me find my
Mad Hat- and as a token of my
appreciation you shall all get to wear
my Mad Hat except for my daughter,
Penny Hatter who gets to try it on all
the time." The Mad Hatter said.
"Fair enough." Penny Hatter

The Cat wore the Mad Hat,
even though it shaded the Cat's
eyes. After a minute of having it
on, the Mad Hatter picked it up
slowly off the Cat's head.

"It's a bit too big," The March Hare
chuckled as the Mad Hatter put the
Mad Hat on the March Hare. "Yes,
it is." Penny Hatter replied, slowly
taking the hat off the March Hare
and placing it on Alice's head.

Then Alice tried on the Mad
Hatter's silky, velvet hat. But
they all got a good chuckle when
the hat was too big and covered
Alice's face, and a good portion
of her neck as well.

"My friends, I fear it is time for you
to go, but as some say, all good
things really must come to an
" The Mad Hatter sighed.
"Indeed." Penny Hatter agreed.

"My friends, I will miss you-
but it is time for you all to go
now, so get on with it."
The Mad Hatter said, a sad
look on his face.
"Yes, as he said, we will see
you again, and good-bye."
Penny Hatter said simply,
waving and smiling not quite

The cat went home firstly,
a large gust of wind swooping
her up and taking her home.
"Mew, mewrrr, mew, meeeeoow,
prrrrr, bbrrrrrrrrooowww!"
The cat meowed, purring to
her friends. (What she said is
translated into, 'I will miss
you, my friends. Good-bye-
remember me until we meet
, and a loud brrrooooww.)

And then the March Hare left,
a gust of wind picking him up.
"I will see you next year,
M.H., Penny H. and Alice!"
The March Hare said, waving.
Then the wind took him home.

And then Alice left,
A great gust of wind carrying her
as it had her friends.
"Good-bye, Mad Hatter and
Penny Hatter!"
Alice cried over the wind as it
carried her home.

"Farewell to you as well,
Thank you for coming to see
My tea party be,
But it is time to go,
so go ahead, don't be slow.
Have a happy summer,
and I'll see you at next years
Mad Hatter tea party!"
The Mad Hatter exclaimed,
smiling and waving.

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To the blog of the century!